Default Per Mile Costs

The content of this help page provides the basis for the calculation of the default model activity-specific Per Mile Costs. Users considering overriding costs calculated by the model may find it helpful to first review this framework.

Basic Force

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Basic Force (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit costs, as shown below. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 01 basic force

 Rail Replacement

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Rail Replacement (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Rail Replacement into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 02 rail replacement

Rail Transposing

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Rail Transposing (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Rail Replacement into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 03 rail transposing

Tie Installation

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Tie Installation (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Tie Installation into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 04 tie installation

Concrete Tie Repair

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Concrete Tie Repair for 100% of the concrete ties in a mile (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs and the percentage of ties experiencing rail seat abrasion. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Concrete Tie Repair into the Override field.

per mile costs 05 concrete tie repair


Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Surfacing the track (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Surfacing into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 06 surfacing


Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Undercutting the track (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Undercutting into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 07 undercutting

Rail Grinding

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Grinding the rail (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Rail Grinding into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 08 grinding


Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Gaging the entire mile of wood tie track (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Gaging into the Override field.

per mile costs 09 gaging

Anchor Adjustment

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Anchor Adjustment for the entire mile of wood tie track (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for Anchor Adjustment into the Override field.

per mile costs 10 anchor adjustment

Fuel Usage

Breakdown of the per mile cost of Fuel (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant fuel costs and specific locomotive characteristics and traffic for the track segment for each tie type. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 11 fuel usage


Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Repairing an entire mile of track after a derailment (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for repair due to a derailment into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 12 derailment

Conversion to Alternate Ties

Breakdown of the Per Mile Cost of Converting an entire mile of track from wood ties to an alternate tie material (with default values for all user inputs). The Calculated costs are determined by the model based on relevant unit material, labor and equipment costs. Note that the Calculated costs for this activity are subject to change as the user revises the model inputs to non-default values. The Calculated cost can be overridden by the user by inputting the user's specific costs for converting the track into the Override field for each tie type.

per mile costs 13 conv to alt ties

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